Interview with Joe Messino, Vlog Episode 109
Have you ever been curious about the rise or interest of Hemp oil, CBD and even THC? Ever wonder are what the differences are between...
Casual Couch Talk with founder of BioTe Medical, Dr. Gary Donovitz, Vlog Episode 108
Did you know that in the ‘70’s breast cancer affected 1 in 27 women yet today it affects 1 in 7? Being a 70’s child and currently still...
How not to have a hangover, VLog episode 107
A must know!!!! How NOT to have Hangover??? Dr. Derrick DeSilva #CSsupplements #BioTEmedical
ER Doc Rouzier in the busiest hospital in LA county, VLog episode 105
In the busiest hospital in LA county, this ER doc says the majority of emergencies he sees are preventable, by doing this...