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Our Featured Blog/Vlog is 

"Couch Talk with Dr. Donovitz"

Don't Gain the Quarantine 15

I don’t know what to do!

How can I get through this?

I’ve been so bad, I’m totally failing!

Have you ever had these thoughts in your head?

With everything going on, or really not going on, it’s put

many of us in uncharted territory.

Our gyms are closed, work is stressful or lack there of has

added extra stress on top what you already had, we feel

stuck in our homes and there may not be much comfort in

when this will end.

So, where do we sometimes find comfort?


I’ve been totally guilty of it too! And in times like this, I’ve

heard many women state… “If I don’t change something

soon, I might end up with the dreaded…


Maybe cute in college but not past our 40’s!

That’s why I put together

yourself through this crazy time feeling good and looking good!

to avoid the quarantine 15 and make sure to share this

with a friend!

With all my love & support,


and the PHS team ;-)

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